Jordan Lynton Cox

Associate Director of Research at the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity

Curriculum vitae

Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity

The Ohio State University

Research Projects

Research Interests

Chinese infrastructure development, Caribbean anthropology, racial/ethnic formation, transnationalism, diaspora, nationalism, and political economy, postcolonial theory, community organizations/associations, community engagement, critical geography, geographic information systems, critical pedagogy

Selected Grants
  • 2023-2025, Jordan Lynton Cox (PI), with Anna Osterhotz, Jesse Goliath, and Shawn Lambert (Co-PI’s). Developing a Decolonial Field School: Teaching Community-Engaged and Decolonial Collection and Preservation Methods through a Field School Approach. National Endowment for the Humanities ($347,959)
  • 2022-2023, Goliath, Jesse (PI), Jordan Lynton (Co-PI), Gabe Miller, Teresa Wilson. Contextualizing Medico-legal Investigation and Health Disparities among BIPOC women in the Southeast United States. Mississippi State University Race and Racism Research program. ($10,000)
  • 2018, Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad ($42,846)
  • 2017 , Ida B. Wells Fellowship; Coordinating Council of Women in History  ($1,000)
Selected Fellowships
  • 2020- 2021, Ostrom Fellowship, Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington ($10,000)
  • 2019-2020,President’s Diversity Dissertation Fellowship, Indiana University, Bloomington ($20,000)
  • 2013- 2017, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Graduate Fellowship; Indiana University, Bloomington

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