Chinese infrastructure development, Caribbean anthropology, racial/ethnic formation, transnationalism, diaspora, nationalism, and political economy, postcolonial theory, community organizations/associations, community engagement, critical geography, geographic information systems, critical pedagogy
Selected Grants
- 2023-2025, Jordan Lynton Cox (PI), with Anna Osterhotz, Jesse Goliath, and Shawn Lambert (Co-PI’s). Developing a Decolonial Field School: Teaching Community-Engaged and Decolonial Collection and Preservation Methods through a Field School Approach. National Endowment for the Humanities ($347,959)
- 2022-2023, Goliath, Jesse (PI), Jordan Lynton (Co-PI), Gabe Miller, Teresa Wilson. Contextualizing Medico-legal Investigation and Health Disparities among BIPOC women in the Southeast United States. Mississippi State University Race and Racism Research program. ($10,000)
- 2018, Fulbright Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad ($42,846)
- 2017 , Ida B. Wells Fellowship; Coordinating Council of Women in History ($1,000)
- 2020- 2021, Ostrom Fellowship, Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington ($10,000)
- 2019-2020,President’s Diversity Dissertation Fellowship, Indiana University, Bloomington ($20,000)
- 2013- 2017, Ronald E. McNair Scholars Graduate Fellowship; Indiana University, Bloomington